Let’s talk about how to save on phone service? It really isn’t hard, and when I opened my bill the other day and noticed I was paying around $30 for my home phone that we rarely use I thought to myself why am I wasting all this money on something I don’t hardly use. It is not like this is 1990, when I was a teenager and talked on the home phone for hours, and my teens have cell phones to use. Frightening how far we have come with communication. A good frightening way though. So next, I got on the phone and contacted my provider and I found a great solution.
The lady on the other end says they have a plan for $7.99, but don’t advertise this service. Basically it is the emergency plan. You get 30 minutes of out going calls a month, and unlimited incoming calls. So, how perfect. Plus, saves me $23 a month. That is a savings of $276 a year! This took me about 15 minutes to save $276. Wow. My provider is with Cox if you were wondering.
Just think I was throwing money down the drain. Next, contacting DTV to see how I can save on my Direct TV service.