Do you like having deals delivered to your inbox? Sign up for my emails for the latest info. You may also "like" Coupon Princess on Facebook for even more savings. Share your own deals and much more! Thanks for your [...]

Sign Up for Groupon! Get some great deals at Groupon this weekend. Great Burger Deals includes Johnnies Charcoal Burgers in OKC area! $14 worth of Johnnies for $7! Sign up for Groupon Here and search your local deals. Want [...]

This Groupon Deal is great! I remember last time The Body Shop had some great instore deals, along with their groupon and people got all kinds of great items! If you redeem Groupon by May 30, 2011 you will get [...]

This Groupon for OKC is great. Get Johnnies for $7 for $14 worth of food. I am telling you if you have not used Groupon yet, this would be a great one to buy! Sign Up today!

Here is a Groupon, for Abilene, TX Groupon is good good anywhere there is a RedBox. Get 3 movies for $1. New to Groupon, sign up here. Need help finding this deal? Go Here.

Have you been wanting to try Lottinvilles in Edmond? Now is the time, grab this great $15 for $30 worth of food on Groupon! Sign up for and you will be ready to go! I have been quite the [...]

Todays Groupon for OKC is Crescent Market in Nicholas Hills Plaza! Get $50 worth of Groceries for $25. New to Groupon, Sign up here! If you have purchased Groupons before, head here to Find Today's Daily Deal of Crescent Market in [...]

Do you know Groupon? If not, sign up today for Groupon and get a Massage Gift Certificate for Renaissance salon and spa for $35. Which is crazy good, because they have the coolest salon, wonderful staff, and is always clean [...]

Do you need a gift for someone that you won't see this Christmas? Grab this Paper Lion, in Edmond Groupon for $50 worth of items for $25. This is a great deal and is to be used online make sure you [...]

Do you need a gift for someone that you won't see this Christmas? Grab this American Apparel Groupon for $50 worth of clothes for $25. This is a great deal and is to be used online make sure you buy [...]

If you are new to Groupon go sign up here! $50 worth for $25 at Coldwater Creek (Phoenix) $40 worth for $20 at (New York) $35 worth for $15 at Wise Desserts and Fortune Cookies (Chicago)