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Homeland Shopping Trip

// // Not much of an Extreme Coupon trip but still saved a ton of money considering the rising prices in groceries! Today, I went to Homeland to do a quick shopping trip. Above is a picture of all that [...]

Thanks, Cami from Chickasha for sending me her Homeland Shopping trip! She did fabulous and Saved 82%! Here is what she bought. (1)-Dole Salad Mix 5 for $5, making one for $1.00 (1)-Hidden Valley Salad $1.00 coupon, on sale for [...]

It has been along time since I have taken a pic and posted my Homeland Shopping, so here it is with a run down on Coupons Used! Yes, they allowed Stacking of the Manufacturer coupons and Homeland Coupons! See Homeland [...]

I went to Homeland 2 times today ; ) this is my second trip. First trip $30 worth for $6.20 got $3 catalina back! I used the $5/$25 coupon from the Thunder Games (expires 5/15/10) last chance to get this [...]

Saved $86 paid $23, for a total of 81%. Got $2 catalina back wyb 3 ziplocks bags. (sorry about the quality of the pic) But I sure do have a ton of cereal. I am going to have to just say [...]

More check-ins at Homeland Stores IncorporatedPowered by Whrrl I have had several comments and emails about the milk deal. I did this today at Homeland on Bryant and Danforth! This is the story of what I bought. Total spent $4.75 ish.. and still [...]

Here is my haul from this past weeks Homeland Trip! Kind of hard to see, but this was done in 2 shopping trips. There are 2 bags of Dole salads, 3 Behold polish cleaner (any of you know if it is safe [...]

Here is a look at my shopping trip today. I was able to go early in the morning after I took my son to preschool, and grabbed a few coupons, and wanted to get my total above $25 because I [...]

Not the best trip ever, but got some yummy things! Also, while I was there the manager said they got a memo about not accepting coupons for yellow sticker clearance items. Doesn't make since to me.. this was at Bryant [...]

I am going to try to do this online, I normally write down all the items I am getting at Homeland, cut the coupons, put in ziplock bag.. and then drive to the store, ALL by myself! So, here is [...]

Well, it has been sometime since I have produces a shopping video and did pretty well today. My stockpile is over flowing, and I have collected some great items! While at Homeland today, I was given a pink flyer, with [...]

I made a video about my Homeland Shopping trip, it was a quicky, I had a friend stop by, had to take one of my sons somewhere and had to get all the cold stuff in the fridge ASAP.. So [...]

I want to share with you my shopping trip from Homeland from yesterday. You can do this too, I gathered coupons that were from the past 4 weeks Sunday Paper, and some printables that I printed HERE, and off I [...]

I want to share with you my shopping trip from Homeland from yesterday. You can do this too, I gathered coupons that were from the past 4 weeks Sunday Paper, and some printables that I printed HERE, and off I [...]

I want to share with you my shopping trip from Homeland from yesterday. You can do this too, I gathered coupons that were from the past 4 weeks Sunday Paper, and some printables that I printed HERE, and off I [...]