Diet Update, How I Survived the Weekend!

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Weekends, Weekends…. on a diet. Oh, Boy… they are fun. Here is how it went. I whined, (without wine) I was cranky a bit all last week so I scared the older boys away and they hit the road and one stayed at his Nana’s all weekend! The other had basketball games, and a concert, so they he was home only a little bit! Of course, the sweet preschooler was home, and daddy did a good job taking wonderful care of him while I shopped and checked out my future mode of transportation!

So, I was busy and that was good to keep my mind off of food.

I even went to SteinMart and bought jeans in a size 10… I about screamed. I am almost in the single digits again.

Sunday:  162 Pounds

I ate apple,  oscar mayer lunch meat,  1 hard boiled egg, I egg white. Tea and Coffee, Water. I am beginning to think I need to eat  more of the foods I can eat, but did not. I am going to try better on Monday.

Monday: 161.4 pounds

Oh, and there was a Thunder Game last night, and I went to it, and did not cheat…  no nothing zilche! So, you can go to events, and have fun without eating and drinking! When you do so, you save a ton of money, so that is my money saving tip!

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