Zuchini Bread Recipe

by Shannon on December 6, 2010 · 5 comments

Zuchini Bread Recipe

Not sure the original source, but this is how I make my yummy Zuchini Bread!

3 eggs beaten
1 cup vegetable oil ( I know that is alot, but I think that what makes the outside crispy!)
2 cups of sugar (the granulated kind)
2 tsp Vanilla
3 cups of flour
1 tsp soda
3 tsp cinnamon (that is what makes the mixture brown)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 cups of shredded Zuchini (about 2 large zuchinis will work)


Combine first four ingreidients, and mix well. Add the rest. Pour into greased and floured loaf pans. (Makes 2) I like to make mine the small sizes, so it makes 4 small loaves!
Wilton Excelle Elite 4-Cup Mini Loaf Pan

Bake in oven at 325 degrees for 1 hour

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  • http://twitter.com/couponprincess/status/11871647954903040 couponprincess

    Zuchini Bread Recipe:
    Zuchini Bread Recipe
    Not sure the original source, but this is how I make my yummy Zuchin… http://bit.ly/hrgNSz

  • http://twitter.com/couponprincess/status/12541683904290816 couponprincess

    Zuchini Bread Recipe http://bit.ly/hrgNSz

  • http://twitter.com/couponprincess/status/14918213137596416 couponprincess

    My Fav.. Zuchini Bread Recipe http://bit.ly/hrgNSz

  • http://twitter.com/mrains69/status/15107469403492353 Melissa Rains

    RT @couponprincess: My Fav.. Zuchini Bread Recipe http://bit.ly/hrgNSz

  • http://twitter.com/couponprincess/status/131814291975315456 couponprincess

    Today, I have made 6 loaves of Zucchini Bread! Here is my secret recipe.. http://t.co/TxAMh50k

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