Beer Bread I was given this recipe from a friend, awhile back. I do not know the original source. This is absolutely delicious, cheap and easy. Ingredients 3 cups of Self-Rising Flour (this is not regular flour, I repeat, not [...]

This maybe kind of random, but last night we cooked out Shish-K-Bobs and Chicken Legs. I am going to tell you about how I cooked the Chicken Legs (drumsticks), and they were yummy... kids and grown ups loved them. You [...]

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Here is the recipe I made for dinner tonight, my boys love this dinner. I would have a picture, but this food pic probably would not look very good in picture form. So here it is... do not know what [...]

Easter is tomorrow, and is the day Jesus Rises from the dead, and we all rejoice, as we are saved by Grace, through his blood shed. We take this day and remember the wonderful miracle that happened many years ago, [...]