Three Words to describe Rice Krispies Treats.. Sticky, Gooey and Delicious! What is better then all of that is you have a chance to win.. $100 GC to help make your own Rice Krispies Memories! But first let me let you enter my world of Rice Krispies and my Challenge of Stickiness of making my special Snowman for this recipe challenge. Here is how I did it… or tried atleast. Remember it was a sticky gooey situation. A little melty as well.. lol.
Rice Krispies (TM) Snowman
By Shannon Snow (hence the Snowman Idea)
3 Tablespoons of Real Butter
10 oz of Marshmallows
6 Cups of Rice Krispies (TM)
1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter
1 package of Almond Bark (white)
Other items needed.. Raisins, Chocolate cookie, pretzels for Snowman
Melt Butter and Marshmallows in Large Microwave safe bowl for about 2 to 3 minutes. Then Stir with a buttered cooking utensil. Mix in Rice Krispies (TM)
Cool in rectangle pan. Use Parchment paper if needed to press into pan to cool. When cool, cut into squares, and frost with peanut butter, put another square on top and form into circles.
While the treats cool, heat almond bark in pan until melted.
Dip round balls into almond bark. This is kind of messy, but it made the treats extra yummy, especially with the peanut butter surprises!
Make different shape balls, and then make the snowman. Add eyes, buttons, arms, and hat. I used raisins for eyes, nose and buttons, cookie for hat, and pretzels for arms. You can use your imagination. I cooled the snowman outside so it would cool faster.
With the extra treats, I made snowballs with peanut butter inside. I did not dip all of them. My sons ate the ones I had dipped before I could take a picture!
Now that I have your attention and you now want to go and make some yummy Rice Krispies (TM) for your family? Well before you go, make sure you enter to win $100 Gift Card! Yeah.. how? It is easy. One entry. That is all you have to do.
Let’s share Holiday Family Traditions for your entry! (One Entry, that is it.. don’t attempt to enter more then once..)
Now of course, you can “Like” me on Facebook so you can keep up with all the deals and fun we have around here, but it is not required!
Here is all the fine print..
Deadline: Ends Tuesday, Dec 21, 2010 @ 12:00 pm Central Time. You must leave your email address so I can notify you if you win. will be used to select winner. Open to US addresses only, 18 years and older. Winner will have 48 hours to response or another winner will be drawn. Sponsor will send the product to winner.
*Abbreviated Rules. No Purchase Necessary. Begins no earlier than 12:00:00 AM (ET) on 11/29/10 and ends no later than 11:59:59 PM (ET) on 12/21/10. For complete Official Rules, go to
Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia who are 18 years of age or older at time of entry. Subject to complete Official Rules. Void where prohibited. Sponsor: TheMotherhood at
Disclosure: I received a stipend and Rice Krispies (TM) Cereals were provided as part of this challenge.
Gonna try this with the kids this weekend! Can’t wait to win and of course I LIKE you!!!
My aunt always makes Christmas glaazed sugar cookies. They go fast! I’m going to maake a lemon version this year.
We make popcorn balls every year since my great-grandmother was still with us. We have carried on this tradition every year right down to my 5 year old daughter:)
We always bake gingerbread cookies for holiday, pick up Christmas tree and decorate together.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
we go out to dinner x-mas eve night with the family then go look at x-mas lights then come home and do a christmas gift exchange!
We get together with my family on Christmas Eve, all the siblings, nieces, nephews etc. It’s a houseful! We all bring snacks and goodies to eat and then do our gift exchange. Rice Krispies Treats are a definite must for us.
We wear PJ’s all day. Unless Christmas falls on Sunday, then pjs, church clothes and right back to PJs. We great guests in PJs and guest sometimes get in on the fun. We eat in Pj’s, jump on the trap in Pj’s. We just love our PJS
We always celebrate the Dutch Christmas on Dec 5th with St. Nick.
On Christmas eve we sit under the tree and my dad would read the Christmas story out of the bible. Thanks for another great giveaway. I do follow you.
My boys love to help me in the kitchen, especially around the holidays when there is lots of baking (and tasting) going on!
On Christmas Eve I let me kids open a present (of course i pick it out, always a new pair of pj’s
) and we have hot choc watch any Christmas movie (I love all of them!!) I have done this since my oldest was 2 (so 13 years now)
We have a Christmas tradition of all helping out to make Christmas cookies.
jtrophy at gmail dot com
Besides baking, I think my kids’ favorite tradition is playing and singing Christmas carols at the piano. When I was a kid, my mother played, and I sang along. Now I play and my kids sing along. Somehow it makes the house feel wonderful.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
We do the Elf on the Shelf holiday tradition, but with our own little twist. It gets my preschooler super excited about Christmastime! Thanks for the give-a-way!
Thanks for the giveaway, we love making these.
i guess i’m boring but the tradition we love is decorating the sugar cookies. of course it’s more fun becuz we use the cookie cutters i used as a child.
We take my granddaughter to see all the beautifully decorated houses, one is a place that used to be a funeral parlor so is huge, and they go all out with Disney characters, tons of moving, musical displays, really beautiful. A bit cold now to take her but hopefully next week will be a bit milder.
At my house we always got to open a present up on Christmas eve. Now we have a party on Christmas eve since we’re all grown up.
Our holiday baking tradition is Peanut Butter Kisses! The recipe I use for the cookie uses just peanut butter, eggs, and sugar…no flour. They are yummy!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
We go to a Christmas party at a friend’s house each year. I always bring the mini pizzas, and the twister game. Everyone has a great time eating and catching up with each other.
Mmmm love rice krispies. Especially with PEANUT BUTTER!
One of our family traditions is having a big Christmas breakfast after opening gifts on Christmas morning. I think it’s my favorite part of the day because I enjoy spending the time with my family before heading out to visit relatives. Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
We make loads of candy. Fudge, peanut butter fudge, bon bons, brittle, pecan log rolls. Then we start on the cookies. YUM! Watch out scale!!
We always have sugar cookies with icing at Christmas. Decorated all kinds of ways! Its a favorite in my family!!
We always make puppy chow (chocolate/peanut buttered-covered Chex then dipped in powdered sugar) and white/milk chocolate-covered pretzels. YUM!
We go to mass on Christmas Eve and then come home and eat and open some of our presents.
We get together as a family and have a candy making day. Then we box it up and give it away, so much fun!
[email protected]
Our tradition is to go up to the mountains to cut down our own Christmas tree. Lots of snow this year! Loved it.
Every year my boys and I make Christmas themed sugar cookies and I let them decorate them with red/green icing, m&m’s and Christmas sprinkles.
My favorite tradition is that we go out for dinner after church on Christmas Eve – since I have just exhausted myself with shopping and wrapping and will cook my heart out on Christmas day it’s so nice to be treated to dinner out! Thanks Mom for a great tradition!
Our holiday tradition is taking a hayride at a local farm to watch their light display.
One of our Christmas traditions is cooking leche flan and rice cakes for Christmas eve, then we attend mass, come home for a special dinner and then exchange gifts.
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
My mom has two Xmas mice that perch on candles on the table. Every year we turn the mice upside down when she’s not looking.
I love my treats with chocolate drizzled on the top! Yummy!
I would have to say my favorite tradition is baking with the kids and making gingerbread houses (or attempting them)
My holiday tradition is opening one gift on Christmas Eve – it’s so nice
Cute snowman — I love how he’s kind of melty…a typical occurrence in this state! One of our family traditions, passed down from my mother’s parents, is to bake fresh homemade nutbread on Christmas morning to eat while opening presents.
My mom makes Monkey Bread every year on Christmas morning. I have made it since I have grown up and have my own family now, but it is NEVER as good as hers.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is going shopping the night before Christmas, when the mall is quieter but it’s still Cjristmasey, and there are all kinds of interesting people watching things to do.
We drive through various neighborhoods to enjoy the dazzling lights.
We like to make hot chocolate and popcorn, then drive around different neighborhoods to look at all the decorations!
Sometimes my daughter likes to make almond bark treats with Rice Krispies in them… very delicious.
We get together and spend a full day baking cookies and hanging out
We make Hershey kiss peanut butter cookies every year! The kids look forward to these and love helping make them.
Every year for Christmas we make a bunch of fancy cookies, and everyone eats the chocolate chip cookies and rice krispie treats first. We still love to make lots of cookies though.
We have dinner at home, chat, play a few games on Christmas Eve and then go to Midnight Mass. Then we will have a gathering of all the family on Christmas day.
We visit our local zoo, which has a display of Christmas Trees from around the world.
At home, we bake gingerbread cookies.
We decorate our tree on Christmas Eve afternoon.
pumkin bread and fudge on christmas eve, old movies and ewe each open one gift!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
One favorite family tradition is attending the Nutcracker Ballet every early Decemeber to kick off the holiday season, and another tradition of course is baking lots of Christmas cookies with my children!
My favorite family tradition is going downtown to look at the Christmas lights and the decorated store windows!
Our holiday traditions have more to do with music than with food–because we enjoy all sorts of wonderful goodies year long. The original Rice Krispies Treats recipe is one of my favorites. During the Christmas season, I enjoy going to a performance of Handel’s “Messiah” and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas show. Thanks for the giveaway.
[email protected]
We always like some Christmas cookies and a good movie to watch.
One of our traditions that we do before Christmas, is that we love to bake cookies. We like to make up several batches of different kinds and flavors so that we have plenty of cookies to last for a few days during Christmas.
We have awesome cakes and pies every year–usually cheesecake and coconut cream pie–as well as a variety of special cookies!
Holiday traditions are making Christmas cookies, candies, and new pajamas on Chrismas Eve. I think we’ll have to add Rice Krispie treats to the mix.
One of our holiday traditions is making green rice krispie treats decorated with red cinnamon dots!
Making spritz cookies (sugar cookies with a cookie press) is one of our traditions!