Reflection of the Month January 31, 2012..

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Just a little note as we end the 1st month of the year. We all start the month with great expectations. Eat Less, exercise more, save money, eliminate debt and more. Don’t get discouraged if you fall off track. You can pick yourself right back up, and start again. When, you can start NOW.

I have continued to workout, in my living room. I have commitment issues. So, I figure I have to just commit to exercise at home. I have a gym membership, but can’t seem to get to the gym. So, my home living room is the next best thing. I found a workout program with Faithful Workouts. It is only a short 30 minutes video. I just DVR it, and workout.

Eating, well I haven’t done great at the eating healthier. But I am not beating myself up about it.

Money Saving, ok. Still need to ground myself from the store. My freezer keeps filling up. Like my deal on Frozen Pizza (not for me, but for the kids) and other easy snack meals for the kids. In February, we will try again. My tracking spending didn’t go like I planned. It is just hard to write down everything I buy, but I did spend less.

Need to continue on my decluttering and organization, and would like this
Under Shelf Wrap Rack  from Organize It All to put in my kitchen. Can’t say I totally am in love with the deep, big cabinets. Seems like things get lost.

Lets see, the kids. They are good. Praying for graduation day, ready for some baseball. The little one keeps coming up with more and more crazy ideas by the second. Oh, and I cleaned his room. Like awesome. Got rid of tons of toys. You can see the floor. It is continuing to stay clean!

Well that is all from me, have a great day.

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