It is time for the parenting bedtime routine tips. Bedtime: (the time you are exhausted but you still have to do the “routine”) you know the thing that happens after Dinner, Bath, One Show, Milk, Snack and One book. Yes that is our routine, but last night we threw in Monopoly, for the Show part. We play a made up version that I am sure to patten someday and make millions. After the game, which lasted forever.. we were soooo hungry and needed a snack. That is when we took this picture. Yep, good ole iPhone photography shown with Instagram.
All I can say is, these times with him are going way to fast. I must remember and enjoy our evening routine. As, someday instead of all the fun we will have to be doing homework, science projects, and other fun projects.
Finally we hit the bed, after reading a search and find book called Mouse in the House with missing pages and all. We have loved this book. It was his older brothers and not sure who ripped the pages. Oh, and we currently love Bad Kitty
by Nick Bruel
but it has to go back to the library. Maybe it is time to buy it.. I even enjoy reading it, and now have memorized it.
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