Doggie Days of Summer

by Shannon on June 3, 2012 · 0 comments

Long time no chat.. so you want a little inside news about whats been going on?

Well, the last few weeks of the school year was spent with tears over my oldest son graduating from High School. Finally, graduation is behind us. It was so bitter sweet. Now, next phase in his life, college. So proud of him. He is now hard at work at the family business (Basey’s Roofing)

Well, next my youngest finishing Pre-K. No tears there. Now, he will finally be in all day school next year. Woop Woop!  (and I have big plans for the fall.. for my blog and Coupon Classes, you will definitely want to stay tuned)

Middle son. Well he is my football star. Well, maybe not a star (yet) But I am a proud mama of that kid (and all my kids) Grades are awesome.. but I do think he made a B on his report card (the rest A’s) I wonder if I should ground him this summer? LOL..

Then, it is my turn to share a bit about me.  It has been an emotional year. Personally and mentally (you know raising a family, being married, and just life in general, we have been thrown a few curves in the road) My sweet husband and I are going to make it to our 19 year wedding anniversary on June 5. I think we are on track to hit our 20 year next year, and will travel somewhere amazing (not sure where, am taking suggestions)

Husbands birthday was last week, and not sure if he is going through the before 40 mid life crisis because, he did bring home a puppy yesterday. I thought I was done with puppies! My sweet dog, Brownie a Chihuahua poodle mix is potty trained and perfect (in my opinion) but apparently she needed a friend. So, he brought home a new Chihuahua puppy. (I promise I am not bored, and have plenty to do) We shall call her Stormy (he goes to work, gives a lady an estimate on a roof, and comes home with a puppy? What in the world… I don’t have time for that) Youngest boy, claimed the dog as his own and hopes this dog will follow him around (our other dog follows me everywhere) But, the boys couldn’t be happier and I think my husband was feeling bad for his purchase and all the work a new puppy will entail, he gave me an early anniversary present that I have been dying to have… drum roll… iPad, finally my Apple collection is complete!

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