Been missing me? Well, I have been soaking up all kinds of great info here at Disney. People who I met and or saw. Do you want to know?
1. Ty Pennington
2. Joe Jonas and Demi somebody
3. Chris Brogan
4. Maryellen Hooper
5. Marissa Jaret Winkour ( Hairspray and Dancing with the Stars)
6. Maxine Clark Founder of Build a Bear, sat at my lunch table!
That is just a few people we have had the privledge with seeing this week! Oh, and we have had tons of fun in the parks. I will have to go through that later. Just wanted to hop on my puter to say a lil’ hello. You can see all the fun through the twitter tweets stream at #disneysmmoms and make sure you are following me, I tweet at or facebook at
Toodles… Ta Ta, See ya later aligator.