All I have to say right now, atleast I did not give myself a $ amount to spend last week! I spent more money than I expected… total was $167
How? Well, I went shopping to many times and we had friends over for dinner! I bought 2 DVD’s (one for a present). Went to Chipolte, Sonic, Lowes (Water Softener pellets) and spent about $20 in milk from Braums. I still have about 2 gallons left, so that should last me until Thursday (maybe)
So, my new plan… well try again this week. I hope to spend less. My total spent, was everything I bought this past week. Not just groceries. I am in major need of a Lap Top Computer since mine died in Mexico in August, so this week I must spend less money!
In closing, I am human. Tracking my money day to day is an eye opener on really how much I spend week to week. I challenge you to write down every penny you spend!
Week 2.. begins today!
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