I was so excited when Love Bug Clothing Co, contacted me through twitter to send me a Birthday Shirt for my son’s 3rd Birthday. They sent me the cutest shirt to try out on my son. It is made by Appaman, I had never heard of this brand, but I am pretty sure, these are the shirts that Jon and Kate’s Children wear on their birthdays.
I let my son open the package, and out pops the shirt. He is like “Wow, it is a baseball shirt” (his older bro plays baseball) probably because it had a number on the front. The shirt is a baby blue, with a lime green number 3. As for the quality, I was expecting just a regular t-shirt. You know, the kind of material that you get from Target, Walmart, Old Navy or Gap t-shirts. Well this shirt is made with a heavier weighted material. It is a really nice shirt, and soft.
I took him to Target to get his birthday pictures taken, and he wore his new Appaman Happy Birthday shirt, and the blue sure made his baby blue eyes stand out. Thanks so much Love Bug Clothing, Co. for allowing me to have one of these great shirts, and you are right, they would make great gifts! You, my blog readers, can go check out these shirts,
They have offered a discount to you as well. Love bug Colothing is offering new customers 20% off first order, enter FIRST at checkout. All orders over $50 receive free shipping. So think birthdays, summer, or vacation clothes!
Now, for the fun part. Do you want to win, here is your chance to win, an Appaman Shirt, winners choice based on availability up to $29.99 retail value. As always, make sure you comment for each entry completed! Giveaway will run through June 1, 2009.
1. Subscribe to my blog through email HERE, (through feedburner)
2. Visit Love Bug Clothing, and tell me about one of the designer kids clothes you would love to have.
Optional Entries:
1. Follow my blog through Blogger
2. Add my Button to your Blog (5 Extra Comments)
3. Add giveaway to a Linksy or Bloggy Giveaway.
4. Blog about this giveaway, link back to my post. (5 Extra Comments)
5. Sign up for Love Bug Clothing’s Newsletter HERE.
6. Follow LoveBugClothing on twitter HERE.
7. Tweet Giveaway (one entry per day, limit 5) Enter to win an Appaman T-shirt from @lovebugclothing here http://bit.ly/g9GjQ
Disclaimer: This post was written by me, the Coupon Princess, and are based on my opinion, and experience. I was given the Appaman shirt, I described in this post. Giveaway sponsored, by Love Bug Clothing, Co.
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I would love the Kids Ink Heart Treasures Ruffle Tank Dress. [email protected]
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Folloing Love Bug on twitterTwitter Username: @KariewithaK
I would love to have the appaman bulldog tee….we have a bulldog and my boys just love her…mt twin DD isn’t so wild about the dog, but her twin brother loves the bully!thefivefish (at) live (dot) com
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I like the my dad is rad shirt!
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I’m already a subscriber via email.ann dot guns at mac dot com
I love the Appaman electric pink horse t-shirt, just adorable. Thanks for the great giveaway!
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fave outfit is the Angel Dear Navy/Grey Sweater and Pant SetAngel Dear Navy/Grey Sweater and Pant Set, so cute!micaela6955 at msn dot com
tweeted entry 1 http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/1788811214micaela6955 at msn dot com
one of the birthday shirts is what i would get – #3!!! but all the clothes are super cute!misty – [email protected]
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misty – [email protected]
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I love the Appaman Electric Pink Football Jersey.Sorry I went out of order!Thanks![email protected]
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I’d love to see Roo in the Mimi and Maggie Beleze top and skirt!
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I like the Appaman Vintage Black Racebike Shirt.
My Granddaughter turns 3 next month, this would be an awesome gift. I followed lovebug clothing on twitter.Tweeted : Enter to win an Appaman T-shirt from @lovebugclothing here http://bit.ly/g9GjQmy twittr name bearablescentscherie at bearablescents dot com
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I love all the Appaman Birthday shirts (my son just turned 5 and my daughters are going to be 2).
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I’m already subscribed and I LOVE the Kaos Recycled Grateful Dead tee. Thanks!
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I love the Indigenous Organic Tassel Hoodie in Cream. That is so darn cute!quelleheure4[at]gmail{dot}com
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