I came accross this company called Fairytale Brownies, based out of Phoenix, Arizona, and boy do I have to say, their brownies are to DIE for!
My family was able to try their Fairytale Truffles they did not last long in my house full of boys! These brownies were so moist, with chocolate covering that covered the whole brownie. My favorite was the Carmel one, and the Rasberry one was just as good, too! Then there was the Walnut one, that was my 13 yo son’s favorite!
They came in a beautiful box, with a satin purple bow, the presentation was such a nice touch. These brownies would make a great thank you gift, welcome baby gift, house warming gift and much more. There were 9 brownies in the box, 3 flavors, 3 each.
I highly recomend this company. The delivery was quick, the brownies were perfect, and delicious.
Fairytale Brownies even helps with community projects, such as KaBOOM! Helping build playgrounds!
Am I making you hungry yet? Go ahead, go to Fairytale Brownies website and check out their gourmet brownies, and tell me who you would like to share these tasty treats with and you could win your own box of Fairytale Truffles.
Here is how you can win Fairytale Truffles. Make sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry that you complete. Giveaway ends 3/14/09, US only. Please leave me away to contact you incase you are the winner. If I cannot find your email through blogger, then leave it in your comment! Thanks, and good luck. Winners will be notified by email, and picked using www.random.org.
1. Go to Fairytale Brownies and tell me which brownies you would love to try and whom you would share them with.
2. Subscribe by email or Follow my Blog.
3. Blog about my giveaway on your Blog with a link to my blog and to Fairytale Brownies! (5 extra Comments) leave me the link so I can see!
4. Twitter giveaway and follow @couponprincess RT: Fairytale Brownies giveaway http://tinyurl.com/cqrmay ends 3/14/09 (Tweet Once per day!)
5. Comment on another one of my blog posts, that you have not commented on!
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Espresso Nib Brownies??? OMGosh YUM YUM YUM.. I would share these with my Hubby of course, cause we have been married for 25 years and Ilove the guy enough to share some chocolate LOVE!Leslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
I subscribe by emailLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
LeslieVeg is following you and left a tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
Toffe crunch with my husband.nicholakleyle at hotmail dot com
I would have peanut butter and share with my husband and son.
I’m subscribing to you in bloglines.
I tweeted about it!
The walnut sounds yummy to me. I’d share them with my husband. Maybe we’d have black walnut ice cream with them with chocolate syrup. My husband likes that. He deserves something yummy. pagesofmyheart.blogspot.com
the saint patricks day morsels look yummy – I’d share them with my kids
I would love to try the Raspberry Swirl. I would share them with my family. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
I follow
caramel w/my friend Angelle for girls night!
I would share the toffee crunch with my husband and kids.
I subscribe
The cream cheese swirled brownies look awesome!
I follow your blog
I’d love to try Fairytale Brownies “Chocolate Pecan” variety. I’d share these with my multiple personalities.I’m an email subscriber, which is how I discovered this giveaway.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted you here:http://twitter.com/nape9393/status/1277175438
Being that I love espresso drinks, the Espresso Nib Brownies would be my personal favorite. Yum Yum.
Oops I forgot to say that I just might not share them! No, my oldest daughter is addicted to espresso just as I am so the two of us would indulge together.Follow your blog through Google RSS readersixinthenorthwest[at]gmail[dot]com
Just gave a tweet and already follow on twittertwitter id – sixinthenwThanks again!
LeslieVeg is following on Twitter and left a tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]
Tweeted for Wednesday!
I would love love love to try the White Chocolate, the Original, and the Caramel. Just looking at them made me soo hungry! I am going to blog on my blog about your giveaway at http://mamanordy1.blogspot.comDebbimamanordy at hotmail dot com
I would like to try the peanut butter and the white chocolate brownies. I would share them with my family.
I am a subscriber.
That was a hard choice to choose just one but I managed to narrow it down and chose the Raspberry Swirl Trufflejeanilynne at gmail dot com
following – bloggyfindsjeanilynne at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email at:jeanilynne at gmail dot com
blogged this giveaway here:http://bloggyfinds.blogspot.com/2009/03/coupon-princess-saves-you-money-314.htmljeanilynne at gmail dot com
tweeted here:http://twitter.com/bloggyfinds/status/1279996035jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I commented on your post on the Keurig Platinum Brewer Single Cup Coffee Maker.jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I would love to try the Peanut Butter brownies. Yummy! I would share them with the family. Thank you so much!
Yum, Toffee Crunch or mint chocolate. . . too hard to decide. Share?
Love to try the St Patrick’s Day Morsel 24 and share them with my daughters.Carlacpullum(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would loove to try the espresso nib Brownies! mmm. they look yummy. I would share these with my boyfriend, because I love him and I know he would appreciate the quality! thanks so much for the giveaway.caitlinhyla AT gmail DOT com
Caramel sounds good. I would share them with my husbanddctm at bellsouth dot net
I would love to try the raspberry swirl and share them with my husband and sons.I subscribe via atom.MaryPoppins1 at gmail dot com
I commented on “BlogPoints, MyPoints, etc”
LeslieVeg left a tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
Walnut Belgian chocolate browniesaddeviant006 at gmail dot com
I would love to try the Walnut Brownies! I would share them with my boys!
Here is LeslieVeg tweet for today!http://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]
I would love to try the peanut butter brownies! I guess I would HAVE to share them with my kids!Mariannemommajdesigns(at)gmail(dot) comhttp://www.jewelrybymommaj.etsy.comhttp://www.crochetbymommaj.etsy.comhttp://www.crochetbymommaj.blogspot.com
I’m a subscriber!Mariannemommajdesigns(at)gmail(dot) comhttp://www.jewelrybymommaj.etsy.comhttp://www.crochetbymommaj.etsy.comhttp://www.crochetbymommaj.blogspot.com
I would like to try the Chocolate Chunk Blondie!http://www.roscoethekitten.blogspot.comhermindwanders at gmail dot com
I am a subscriber:http://www.roscoethekitten.blogspot.comhermindwanders at gmail dot com
LeslieVeg left a tweet for today.http://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
LeslieVeg Left tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
Well of course I would share the goodies with my children and my hubby…but only after I ensured I got a yummy taste for myself LOL. I would wanna try the white chocolate…those look yummy.
LeslieVeg is leaving a Monday Tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
love the white chocolate[email protected]
following[email protected]
twitteredhttp://twitter.com/shopannies/status/1300008489[email protected]
I would love to try the mint chocolate brownies because I love those two flavors together! I’d share them with my kids (after they did their chores correctly! lol)!
I follow your blog!
I commented on your ‘Knives’ review! Thanks!
LeslieVeg is leaving a Tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
Makin a girl choose just ONE brownie flavor?!! OMG! How cruel! hehe
The Chocolate Chip look divine!!!! Well, they all looked irresistible! But my #1 choice would be Choc Chip! Yumm!Oh, and I guess I’d share with my hubby for putting up with me for all these years.
I’m not subscribed, but I follow ya! (I’d love to subscribe via email but cant figure out how!!)
Blogged about ya!http://heathermama.blogspot.com/2009/03/fairytale-brownies-giveaway.html
Twittered err uh Tweeted… umm whatever is it, I did it! hehe
Commented on today’s Today show.http://couponprincessgoesblogging.blogspot.com/2009/03/today-show-digital-moms-update.html
Chocolate pecan and I might share with my partner, if she is nice to me. I subscribed via yahoo rss readerpestkaj(at)yahoo(dot)com
I tweeted again today
Can ya tell I REALLLLY want me some free brownies?! hehe
LeslieVeg is leaving a Tweet for today!http://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
LeslieVeg Left a Thursday Tweethttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
I Tweeted about ya on Twitter. (username there is heathermama)
I would love to try the Sprite Extravaganza. Because it’s all the flavors. And because it’s called extravaganza. Who doesn’t want a dessert extravaganza?In case we’re only allowed to want to try one single type of brownie, I choose the caramel. Or the original. I can’t make up my mind. Please be leniant. Share? Bwaaaahahahaha! Okay, maybe a couple with my husband, kids, and moher.
Espresso Brownies for sure!
I am subscriber
Omg…sooo many yummy flavors. I would love to send my mom some carmel brownies because chocolate always helps me get thru tough times and her BF is dying of cancer. [email protected]
Following (PinkMama) and did a tweeter…Pink07!
1- I need (not want lol) the Espresso Nib Brownies. I will share them with my teen daughter who loves coffee!2-following on twittersusieqtpie3-blog follow i’m http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com/
Espresso Nib brownies, are you seriously going to make me share? I guess I would begrudgingly share them with my husband!mommyhoodisthankless[AT}gmail.com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/wastebasket/statuses/1320586499
I posted on “Grocery Store Deals For Homeland”
I would like the peanut butter and share them with my kids.[email protected]
I am following.[email protected]
I follow on twitter, and I tweeted.http://twitter.com/donnak4/status/1320644338[email protected]
LeslieVeg is leaving a tweet for Fridayhttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
LeslieVeg is leaving a Tweet for Saturdayhttp://tinyurl.com/cqrmayLeslie[email protected]http://leslielovesveggies.blogspot.com/
Wow, these look amazing! I’d love to try either the Peanut Butter or Cream Cheese brownies, and if I had to share (lol) I’d share with my hubby![email protected]