Check out the Staples deals for back to school HERE there are some fabulous finds, and the ad includes a $5 off $20 purchase. Here are some of the great deals in the ad. I do not know the limits, and I am sure there are some! Here is what I saw while browsing.
8 pack Pencils .01 (Sun-Wed.)
500 ct Copy paper .01 (Sun-Wed.)
Both of these are after easy rebates, which is an easy rebate meaning, you can submit online.
Here are the $1 deals:
2 pack Scissors
Translucent pencil boxes
Bic White Out
Sharpie brand 6ct Highlighters
3 pack pink erasers
Bic fashion pens
4″x6″ photo paper (after easy rebate Reg. price $9.99)
BOGO Deals:
Crayola products, sharpies, and papermate items
So, there is a start to your back to school savings, at Staples. Make sure, if to use the $5/$20 purchase from the Ad!
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