Why Stockpile and My Personal Stockpile

by Shannon on August 15, 2009

This summer I put my Son to work. I had a major disorganizational thing going on in my stockpile closet, and pantry. So, I enlisted him to organize. He did a great job, and the best thing is that I did not have to do all the work. So, do you stockpile? Here are my reasons why I like to stockpile.

1. When there is a sale, and I use my coupons, and get stuff for penny’s of even free, I might as well buy up what I can! Why pay retail, for one item when I can get 20 for the price of one.

2. Life happens and sometimes you just cannot get to the grocery store. What in the world am I going to do? Well, I will go to my pantry and can make all sorts of meals with items I currently have on hand.

3. I have 3 boys, which 2 are teens! They love my shopping habits, they get all kinds of yummy snacks that I used to not buy, because they were to expensive but now, they get to try a different variety of foods. Bad thing is when we run out, I have to say, they do have to wait for a new sale before I will buy again!

4. Because it is so fun, and it makes me feel like I have a purpose, as I am a stay at home momma…

The Secrets of the Store..

Sales go in cycles, one week there may be great sales on tolietries, next week cereal, and so on. When I constinently buy items to stock pile, I am never forced to pay the retail price of items when I run out of toliet paper, paper towels,razors, and more! The more you shop, and watch for the shopping trends, the better you will become at this stockpiling game.

Some items that I wait to buy until they are super cheap or free.. here is my list.

1. Toothpaste (Free to .25)
2. Toothbrushes (Free to .25)
3. Shampoo, and other hair items. ($.50 or less)
4. Razors, (normally will pay up to $1.50 for venus razors I try not to spend more then that)
5. Cereal, .50 or less, is my goal.
6. Pasta
7. Ragu
8. Snack items, .50 or less

Be careful, if you over buy, and items in pantry are going to be wasting away donate or give to a neighbor!

Related posts:

  1. Shopping at Homeland Grocery Store Today
  2. Homeland Deals Week Of 7/8
  3. Coupons Found in Todays Paper!
  4. Coupons Found While Shopping Today and deals!
  5. Homeland Deals with Coupon Match Up 7/15

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Not So Average Mama August 14, 2009 at 9:29 pm

I loved seeing your video of your stockpile! That is my goal. I need to find some time to go through your site some more. I use to be really good about couponing, but I lack organization!



Shannon "Coupon Princess" August 15, 2009 at 1:11 pm

Thanks, I will be making more videos in the future!



jody burns August 15, 2009 at 3:22 pm

Hi! You really do a great job! I wish I could do half as good! I miss everyone in OKC!

Jody Burns



Tammy April 1, 2010 at 8:31 pm

I always love looking at people's stockpiles! Yours is excellent!

Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter



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