KLOVE: Jon and Sherry Rivers Letter

by Shannon on July 10, 2009

I love listening to KLOVE, and on my way to take the boys to school, I would listen to Jon and Sherry in the morning as Sherry would take little Lexi to school, and I would take my sons to school, it was a good ritual, nice music, no commercials, and a conversation starter at times. Well, one day they disappeared from the radio channel, no warning, just gone. Family matter, they were gone.. and left us all to speculate what could of happened. Rumors, about Lexi, Sherry, Jon can all rest aside, there is a letter at KLOVE, there is the link. Just to let you know, before you read, Lexi and Sherry are great, buy Jon is battling a Substance Abuse problem. He is doing much better now, please go ahead and grab some tissue and read the letter. Thanks Jon and Sherry for allowing us in your world, I am glad you all have found peace.

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