Coupon Princess » summer fun Saves * You * Money Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:29:27 +0000 en hourly 1 Good Bye Baseball, Staycation, and then Hello Football Wed, 14 Jul 2010 03:20:00 +0000 Shannon
  • Where Have I been? Oh gosh, this summer baseball schedule is incredible. This past...
  • Schools Out For Summer well Almost! WOW.. 2 kids out of school, one Teen still in school and then one...
  • Homeland Ad: Coupon Match Up 12/30 I am out this week on vacation, today I am...
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    No, I have not fallen off the planet. I am still here, 1/2 sane as was I ever fully sane anyways? So, where do I start. Baseball season, Sister In Law Visit, football camp or the search for Karate Class? So, here it goes. Summer started off with Baseball, games every night it seemed. When it was home team night, I got to enter the concession stand madness. Taco Nachos, hot dogs, flippin’ burgers, and cookin’ chicken on the grill. I learned allot about working with food, and that I am grateful for all those restaurant workers out there, because that is a difficult job. Therefore, I hope to continue my blogging career. I the midst of all the baseball, I got to tag along the 4 year old, which probably was great birth control to all the fans in the stands. I am who needs a 4 year old and a 15 year old. I guess I do, because he is mine and would not trade him for the world. Because, my sweet hubby and older son are off working like crazy since the largest hail storm hit Oklahoma City, in May.

    I like to call this week my stay cation, as my much younger sister-in-law from Utah came to visit. This was all during baseball season as well, so she got to help me in the concession stand a bit. But more importantly I was instructed (by her brother, my husband) to make sure she had a good time here in Oklahoma. So we hit all my favorite spots, most not thrifty spending, but I had to follow orders from hubby so we definitely had some good girl time! Which remember, I do feel like I live in a frat house most of the time. All in all we had a great week, and ate and drank until we felt like we had “food babies” that is what you call a pooched out belly that is not with child.

    Now, Football… well not completely. Just a mini 4 day camp, along with Scuba Certification (not me, but my overly active son) I am to chicken to take the class and learn how to assemble my scuba gear underwater. However, I have done a scuba dive before on a “resort dive” you know the crash course basic to see if you would like to ever get certified. It was actually pretty amazing under the sea, however my beach vacations consist of lying on the beach or hanging at the pool with umbrella drinks!

    I am tired now… I must go.

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    3. Homeland Ad: Coupon Match Up 12/30 I am out this week on vacation, today I am...

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    What to Do in Oklahoma This Summer Fri, 11 Jun 2010 02:31:00 +0000 Shannon
  • Oklahoma Zoo Pass Sale at Mathis Brothers May 1- 31, 2010 More check-ins at Oklahoma City Zoo Powered by Whrrl If you are...
  • It is Official… Summer is HERE! No School, Lots of Baseball and tons of Pool time....
  • Schools Out For Summer well Almost! WOW.. 2 kids out of school, one Teen still in school and then one...
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    Humm.. if you are not playing summer league Baseball everyday this summer, Like ME, then you may have some time to check these fun inexpensive summer  fun ideas out!

    OKC ZOO in June- (there are 3 Tuesdays left) “Wild Tuesdays Storytime Safaris are back at the Oklahoma City Zoo! Children ages 11 and under will enjoy fascinating stories, a meet-and-greet with a Zoo keeper or naturalist, a craft activity and a free juice drink. Story time sessions take place at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. at Grandma’s Porch in the new Children’s Zoo and are hosted by volunteers from the Junior League of Oklahoma City.” quoted from

    OKC ZOO- Beginning July 7,  Wednesdays in the month of  July and August, guests can get a  special retro rate pricing of $1 for Zoo admission! There will also be $1 rides and concession specials, in the past it was cheap hot dogs, pop corn and pop! Check out Oklahoma City Zoo‘s Website for more details and happenings this summer.

    Martin Nature Park- FREE Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Located in the Middle of the city, near Mercy Hospital off Memorial Rd. Check out more details at there website. GO HERE.
    So, if you have never been, it is quite a nature park. Water shoes would be good to bring so you can walk in the creek and water area. There are tons of fish and turtles to feed in the water as well. You can bring “fish food” like dog or cat food to feed them. Or you can buy food at the food dispensers for .25 (I think)

    Sam Noble Museum- (in Norman) FREE days in June. Saturday June 12 and Saturday June 26. Go here to  Sam Noble Museum for more details! I have never been, but here it is truly amazing. OU students and Children under 5 free all the time! Regular price $5 adults and $3 for Children up to 17 years of age. Not a bad price.

    Edmond Historical Muesum- Located on Boulavard around 9th street? Near the old “Rocket Ship Park” FREE, and they have a fun Childrens area with art area, Jail, Grocery Store, home and Train area (wooden trains like Brio and Thomas) Can’t remember when they are closed. I think it may be on Mondays. Not sure though.

    Go here for list of Spraygrounds in OKC area.

    Then there are your regular Parks and activities. The only bad thing is that the equipment gets so HOT so you have to go early or late.

    Have fun this summer, wear sunscreen.. and drink your water!

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    1. Oklahoma Zoo Pass Sale at Mathis Brothers May 1- 31, 2010 More check-ins at Oklahoma City Zoo Powered by Whrrl If you are...
    2. It is Official… Summer is HERE! No School, Lots of Baseball and tons of Pool time....
    3. Schools Out For Summer well Almost! WOW.. 2 kids out of school, one Teen still in school and then one...

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    FREEBIES: Oscar Mayer Beef Hotdogs! Wed, 20 May 2009 17:38:00 +0000 Shannon Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.]]>

    Did you know one of summers favorite foods, is Hot Dogs! If you want to get some free, Go Here and Oscar Mayer will send you a coupon in the mail for a FREE package! Check out the Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Blog!

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    Free and Cheap: Things to do this Summer Thu, 14 May 2009 23:49:00 +0000 Shannon Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.]]>

    Summer is fast approaching. We are now begining to wonder what to do with our children all summer long. I have some great ideas, thanks to the help of the Consumer Queen and MetroFamily Exploring Oklahoma! Here are some of our ideas.

    1. Zoo Passes, they are good all year, the OKC zoo costs around $60 for the year. It makes a great gift as well.

    2. Build your own sandbox, then place plastic bugs, or other treasures inside the sand. Your child can then search for the treasures!

    3. Picnics in your backyard,

    4. Your very own Camp out in your backyard! Cookout hotdogs, and more.

    5. Do cooking classes with your children, this will help out with some of those reading and math skills, and the best thing about that, is they will not know they are learning, and they will be having fun as well.

    6. Nature Hunts, make a list of items that you may find in your backyard. Such as acorns, leaves, pinecones, sticks, rocks, lady bugs, rolly polly’s, and more!

    7. Volunteer opportunities, check around your area, you can visit the elderly at the assisted livings, animal shelters, or recycling centers.

    8. Make homemade playdough or bubbles.

    9. Go to the movies, many theaters have cheap kids movies in the mornings, with discounted snacks and drinks.

    10. Dollar Tree, has really inexpensive items, such as chalk, bubbles, water toys, and more. You can even buy a cheap foaming shaving cream, your preschooler can play with, this is great for there sensory skills.

    Oklahoma great places to visit, Turner Falls, Great Salt Plains, dig crystals, Glass Mountain, and of course Martin Nature Park, this is actually located off Memorial Rd near Mercy Hospital in Oklahoma City!

    Also, for you Oklahomans, there is a publication coming out by MetroFamily Magazine, Exploring Oklahoma with Children and the Kids Pass with discounts and coupons. This will have coupons, and more ideas on where to go and what to do in the state!

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