Comments on: Ready for a Diet Update? Saves * You * Money Wed, 15 Dec 2010 00:51:02 -0700 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Anonymous Sun, 07 Mar 2010 05:02:25 +0000 You are doing great!! You keep it up!You can do it!<br />I am on a diet to and I have lost 13 pds. I have along way to go. I was thinking of trying your diet but it is so extreme I think I would have been cheating way before you did. I can understand you being bored with the choices you have. <br />You hang in there ok? You are doing great!! You keep it up!You can do it!
I am on a diet to and I have lost 13 pds. I have along way to go. I was thinking of trying your diet but it is so extreme I think I would have been cheating way before you did. I can understand you being bored with the choices you have.
You hang in there ok?
