Now for a short time, you can get 24 custom photo cards for $2.49 when you sign up for a new account with - Photo Sharing & More!
Or oder a water bottle with a picture on it! How clever is that 25% off Water Bottles plus Free Standard Shipping with Promo Code 'gogreen-1'
Do you want to know how to get your 24 free cards with for the price of shipping:
Step 1. Just go here to set up an account with SeeHere (If you already have an account, you can set up another account if there is more than one adult living in your household.) and then upload and create your photo card.
Step 2. After you've set up your photo card, be sure to save it. Then put 24 photo cards in your cart and go to the checkout and use coupon code newbaby at checkout. It should take off the price of the photo cards and only charge you $2.49 for shipping. (If you'd like to order more cards, you can get 50 for $4.99 shipped.)
I do know that they do ship fast, I have heard great reports from this company. I personally ordered photos back at Christmas time and got them super fast!
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