Comments on: Grocery Shopping: Crest Foods Edmond, Oklahoma Saves * You * Money Tue, 14 Dec 2010 06:05:27 -0700 hourly 1 By: Shannon "Coupon Princess" Shannon "Coupon Princess" Tue, 12 Jan 2010 02:57:22 +0000 Thanks for the heads up and for the link back to my deals! Thanks for the heads up and for the link back to my deals!

By: Simple Saving Savvy Simple Saving Savvy Tue, 12 Jan 2010 01:31:53 +0000 Hi Shannon! Be careful that Crest employees do not see you taking pictures. They saw me writing down prices one night and two employees ambushed me and informed me that management did not allow this. I tried to speak with management about it but they wouldn't budge. They don't like anyone sharing their prices. A little paranoid about their Walmart competition. Just FYI. Thanks for sharing though...I'm directing my readers over here! Hi Shannon! Be careful that Crest employees do not see you taking pictures. They saw me writing down prices one night and two employees ambushed me and informed me that management did not allow this. I tried to speak with management about it but they wouldn't budge. They don't like anyone sharing their prices. A little paranoid about their Walmart competition. Just FYI. Thanks for sharing though…I'm directing my readers over here!

By: Cindy Cindy Mon, 11 Jan 2010 12:04:15 +0000 yes! i'm at crest every week! thanks for the post! yes! i'm at crest every week! thanks for the post!
