Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Homeland Grocery Deals and Coupon Match Up Week of 11/4

Whole Fryer Chickens: .99 lb
Hormel Spiral Ham $1.99 lb
Cabbage .39 lb
Bell Peppers .49 each
Pears .99 lb
Onions 3lb bag $1.39

Dole Salad $1.99
Use: $1/1 Tear Pad
Final Price: FREE

Duncan Hines Brownie Mixes $1.50
Use: .55/2 SS 10/11
Final Price: .95 each

Betty Crocker Cookie Mix 1.66
Use: .40 9/13 GM
Final Price: .86

Karo Syrup $2.00
Use: .40 SS 10/4
Final Price: $1.20

Gold Medal Flour $1.59
Peelies to be used (found on flour) wyb Hersheys chips
and Flour (can't remember $ amount)

Hershey's Baking chips $1.69

Best Choice Brown or Powdered sugar .99

Bar S Hot Dogs $1.29
USe: $1.00/2 RP 10/25
Final Price: .29 each

Bar S Bologna 1.49
Use: $1.00/2 RP 10/25
Final Price: .49 each

Tyson Chicken (the ones in the box) $3.00
Use: .55 SS 8/2
Final Price: $1.90

Borden Singles $2.29
Use: $1.00/2 SS 11/1
Final Price: $1.29 each

Tony's Pizzas $2.00
Use: $1.00/2 SS 10/4 DND
Final Price: $3.00/2

Marie Callenders Frozen Dinners/Pot Pies 2.50
Use 1.50/1 September All You Mag.
Final Price: $1.00

Bush Beans .59
Just a good price!

Coffee Mate Powdered Creamer 35oz 3.49
Use: $1.00/2 11/1 RP or Printable $1/1
Final Price: $4.98/2 or $1.49/1

Ritz Crackers 2.50
Use: Get Crackerfuls FREE wyb Ritz SS 8/23
Final Price: $2.50 for Crackerfuls and Ritz

Skinny Cow $3.99
Use .50/1 Printable
Final Price: $2.99

Crest Premium Toothpaste $2.49
Use: .75 PG 11/1
Final Price: .99 (not my rock bottom price)

NyQuil or Dayquil 4.99
$1.50 PG 11/1
Final Price: $3.49

Pantene Products 3.33
Use: $1.00/2 PG 11/1
Final Price: $4.66/2

Head & Shoulders $3.99
Use: $1.00/2 PG 11/1
Final Price: $5.98/2

Scope Mouthwash 3.49
Use: $1.00 PG 11/1
Final Price: 1.49

Aleve 20ct 2.99
Use: $1/1 Printable CouponFinal Price: .99

Dial Liquid Hand Soap $1.00
Use: .35 SS 10/4
Final Price: .30

Halls Cough Drops $1.00
Use: $1.00/2 SS 9/27
Final Price: 2 FREE
Coupon Tip: $5/$25 purchase coupons
can be found in the Thunder Programs
at the OKC Thunder Games at the Ford Center.
So tell your husbands or friends to
save you some of those coupons!

So, a friend called me and told me
that the store on 33rd and Broadway does not take black and white printables. Not sure what to think about this,
as I will have to investigate.

I have had no problems
yet at my favorite store on Bryant.
So, I will have to ask around
and see what the problemo is..

If you like my Homeland Posts,
I do them weekly, you can sign up for my bloggy updates here so you will not miss out on any FREEBIEs, grocery deals or whatever flies my way!


Simple Saving Savvy said...

The Santa Fe and Broadway store has been really cracking down on coupons. It kinda depends on which cashier you get at the Santa Fe store and what shift but the Broadway store employs the coupon nazis...LOL! They will not double DND and they will frown upon black and white printables.

Simple Saving Savvy said...

Hey Shannon...I don't think we got the Borden coupon...also, our coffee-mate coupon was for $0.50/1, not $1.00/2. Hope this helps!

Shannon "Coupon Princess" said...

Oh thanks.. ; ) I have been trying to pay attention to all the DND lately to make sure that is known. Thanks for the updates.