The "bluebox" brings back so many childhood memories, as I reflect back to my younger years, I remember that my little sister, who is 9 years younger then I, would always say that I made the best Mac and Cheese. My mom always had Kraft in the pantry, no matter what! I would sometimes spruce up the mac and cheese with a little extra slice cheese. That is just one of my many memories of Kraft, and I now make the Mac and Cheese for my family quite often.
Kraft has a campain right now, "Share the Comfort" with the "bluebox". They are donating up to a million boxes to Feeding America, and with your help, you can make this happen, really quick. So, go to Share a Little Comfort, or tweet, (on twitter) #bluebox in your tweets, and everytime you do, Kraft will donate a box. Oh, and if you like coupons, there are some great Kraft Printable's on the website as well! Isn't this great, and if you would like, Kraft Mac and Cheese would like to give you an opportunity to win a year supply of Mac and Cheese (50 boxes)and will donate another 50 boxes as well in your honor! To enter, you can do so here on my blog, and one of my readers will be the winner. Here are the short and sweet rules...for this giveaway. Will end on July 9.
1. Tell me, in a comment, a Mac and Cheese memory you have.
2. Subscribe to my blog, HERE.
3. Tweet this giveaway(one entry per day): Win a years supply of Kraft Mac and Cheese @couponprincess here http://bit.ly/9Nfw4 #bluebox
4. Blog about this giveway, get 5 entries (comment 5 times)
5. Comment on another one of my blog posts.
6. Put my button on your blog! (3 comments)
My funniest Kraft Mac and Cheese memory is from my cousin Sparky.. we were teenagers, he was cooking lunch, I was cleaning up the house quickly before my aunt arrived home for lunch.
I went into the kitchen when my aunt arrived to find her laughing so hard she was in Tears..
Sparky had made the Mac and Cheese but didn't drain the water.. It was like Soup.. It was hilarious.. My aunt hurried and cooked some more so we could have Yummy Mac and Cheese for lunch.. He is now 46 and I am 47 he hasn't heard the end of Mac and Cheese soup. We bring it up at every family reunion.
Thanks for the chance.
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
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I always have loved homemade mac and cheese during the holidays ever since I was a little kid. The cheesier, the better!
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My daycare kiddos love Kraft Mac and Cheese, so do I...
OMG, me and Aunt Rene are so much alike. My funniest Kraft Mac & Cheese memory was when I went to visit my Aunt "R" and I was her kids babysitter while I was there. I let my younger cousin "C" talk me into letting her cook some Mac & Cheese. In my defense, she said she knew how. Well when she was all finished cooking, (which she was NOT allowed to do) we had Mac & Cheese soup for lunch. Not so good let me tell you. She did not drain the water. Not only could she NOT cook but she obviously could NOT read also.
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A memory I have is that it was the only thing my kids wanted at every meal when they were younger. We sure got tired of that all the time! It is so much better now to not have it so often!
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My Mac and Cheese Memory is from My first Pregnancy!
I was still eating Meat but NOT loving it! That was when I realized... Hey, I don't have to eat meat any more.. I'm a GROWN UP! That was 23 years ago! I CRAVED Macaroni & Cheese in the Blue Box! ahahah YUP! I think I ate it every single week! AT least once a week! haha
I only gained 12 pounds too! ahah Yup, NOW I'm a vegetarian and when I make Kraft Mac and Cheese I add a ton of VEGGIES to it!! YUM and my baby who is having her first baby in October loves it too!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!
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I remember boarding with an older woman in college who wouldn't let us cook in the kitchen after 8:00 p.m.(she used to actually lock the kitchen door), so we bought this electric hot water kettle and used to make mac and cheese with butter packages from McDonalds and evaporated milk. We simply couldn't live without our late night Mac & Cheese!
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I loved mac and cheese growing up we made it all the time. but my most recent memory is when I was pregnant with my daughter I would actually crave it. so I would eat it ALL the time. and go figure my daughter loves it now too.
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I vividly recall my mom making us Mac and Cheese and Tomato Soup on cold snowy days. How comforting and special.
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My oldest daughter is 18. I have videos of her third birthday party which we love to watch. All her cousins were invited over, and before cake, we gave the kids Kraft Mac and Cheese for lunch. It's so much fun to watch them eat (and make a mess!). My daughter still loves Mac and Cheese.
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I remember trying to make it as a kid. I think we only remembered our dad adding milk...so we only added milk....milk, cheese packet, uncooked noodles...and we ate it!
SAVINGFORHOME at gmail dot com
My favorite memory is when me and my daughter made dinner for the family we made mac and pork chops.
Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=25355
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Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=25355
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Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=25355
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I don't really have a funny memory but it was funny when my little sibling and cousins would always ask for this no matter what delicious meal was made. It had to be Kraft Mac & Cheese or it didn't count lol.
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My favorite Kraft Mac N Cheese story is my brother digging a hole on the side of our house to bury his Mac N Cheese in hopes of it growing! We still give him a hard time about it!
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June 22, 2009
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One night my sister and I decided we were going to make dinner for my mom. We were both young, around 6 & 8. When my mom sat down she praised us and went on and on about how great the dinner was. I still laugh because we gave her some mixed nuts, a slice of white bread, and a little portion of mac n cheese.
My mac and cheese memories are not unique but are filled with lots of ketchup since my brother was the one who taught me how to eat it with ketchup, and to this day I must eat it with ketchup.
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I tweeted http://twitter.com/thriftylivngmom/status/2289779160
I've blogged about it on my blog http://www.thriftylivingmom.com/2009/06/kraft-mac-and-cheese-cheesiest-giveaway.html
I've blogged about it on my blog http://www.thriftylivingmom.com/2009/06/kraft-mac-and-cheese-cheesiest-giveaway.html
I've blogged about it on my blog http://www.thriftylivingmom.com/2009/06/kraft-mac-and-cheese-cheesiest-giveaway.html
I've blogged about it on my blog http://www.thriftylivingmom.com/2009/06/kraft-mac-and-cheese-cheesiest-giveaway.html
I've blogged about it on my blog http://www.thriftylivingmom.com/2009/06/kraft-mac-and-cheese-cheesiest-giveaway.html
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I think my favorite Mac and Cheese memory isn't from when I was eating it but when I was making it. I had been nannying for two little girls with a love of macaroni and cheese.
One day I showed up and was told by the girls that I needed to give their cousin, who had babysat for them the night before, lessons in making macaroni and cheese. I probed the girls and found out that it was gritty - she'd forgotten to add the milk and butter! I had a good laugh over that, taught the girls to read the box, and told them to show it to their cousin next time. :)
LeslieVeg left a Tuesday Tweet
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One of my favorite memories was making Kraft Mac and Cheese at girl scout camp and putting cut up hot dogs in it. Yummy.
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A funny story is how grown up I felt cooking my first meal. It wasn't until recently that I don't follow the recipe to a tee!
We ONLY had Kraft Mac and Cheese. It was the only brand my mom would buy, and I always new when I saw her mixing the butter and the cheese sauce mix, we were in for a delicious dinner!
My best memory is giving my son mac n cheese for the first time. He still says mac n cheese is his favorite today. It is a must have staple in our house. Infact it was part of dinner tonight.
I remember cooking mac and cheese for my cousins when they were little and I used to babysit them. They always would ask me to put in extra milk, so there's be lots of cheese sauce in their bowls!
mac and cheese is such a favorite family tradition, but we usually only had it on special occasions. :-)
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
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My fave memory is: It was one of the very first meals I cooked all by myself!
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LeslieVeg left a Thurs Tweet
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Thanks for A GREAT Giveaway and thanks to KRAFT!!!!
After Hurricane Ike and Gustave (where I live we got hit hard by both) all we had was Mac and Cheese to eat. It is surprising how my kids would get excited when the dish was finished even though they ate that for a couple of days.
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How many times did we start making mac n cheese and find out we had no milk? Too many to count!!
I blogged at http://southeasttexasdealseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/mac-cheese-givaway.html
I blogged at http://southeasttexasdealseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/mac-cheese-givaway.html
I blogged at http://southeasttexasdealseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/mac-cheese-givaway.html
I blogged at http://southeasttexasdealseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/mac-cheese-givaway.html
I blogged at http://southeasttexasdealseeker.blogspot.com/2009/06/mac-cheese-givaway.html
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Kraft Mac and Cheese brings back all those times we had it for dinner when I was a single mom trying to juggle a job and 2 boys who needed to be in 2 different places at the same time for sports practices. The mac and cheese was so much better than heading to McDonald's and just as quick!!
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Happy 4th of July!
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Thanks for a a SUPER Giveaway!!!
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I pretty much LIVED on Kraft Mac and Cheese and wieners until I got married! I remember one time when my college roomie and I were on campus to student teach while the rest of the campus was on fall break, so we ate mac and cheese for dinner several nights!Great Giveaway!
I just remember having it with hot dogs a lot when we were kids because they were cheap - but of course, we didn't mind. lol
i twittered about your giveaway http://twitter.com/corningcoupons/statuses/2559721958
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Blog post #1 - I blogged about your giveaway here: http://www.couponqueenofcorning.com/2009/07/another-kraft-giveaway.html
Blog post #2 - I blogged about your giveaway here: http://www.couponqueenofcorning.com/2009/07/another-kraft-giveaway.html
Blog post #3 - I blogged about your giveaway here: http://www.couponqueenofcorning.com/2009/07/another-kraft-giveaway.html
Blog post #4 - I blogged about your giveaway here: http://www.couponqueenofcorning.com/2009/07/another-kraft-giveaway.html
Blog post #5 - I blogged about your giveaway here: http://www.couponqueenofcorning.com/2009/07/another-kraft-giveaway.html
My memory was when I was getting ready to make lunch and went to take a bath and put the box of Kraft Macaroni and cheese on the table. When I came back my daughter didn't realize it was our lunch and make a paper kraft with the cheese and noodles and their own glue! Turned out cute but there went our lunch. Their remark was we did this in school!
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