Mother's Day, May 2009. As I reflect on being a mom, mother, mama, and mommy. Depending on my boys mood that day, I remember the day I gave birth to them. It has been along time since then, my oldest son will be 17 this year. I cannot hardly believe it, he is only a Freshman in HS, we held him back one year as he was struggling in school, and we changed schools, and well I would like to say academically he was doing better, but that would be a lie. So, day by day, we all struggle to help him reach his potential in the academic world. On the upside, he is a hard worker, helps with yard work, and is pretty a great teen. Oh, and as you can see from the picture, a happy big brother!
My other son, you could say he is the middle child, but not really. He was the baby of the family for about 10 years before the "baby" was born. He is a great student, and always willing to please, however I struggle to pull him out of bed every morning to make the bus, so I end up taking him to school daily! LOL... Okay, you are telling me make him get up, ride the bus, or make him walk 4 miles to school. Well, sounds like a plan, except he is a great big bro to his lil' bro who just turned 3, and has to sleep on the floor in his brothers room, because he says he is scared. Therefore, if lil' bro is sleeping in big bro's room = mom takes brother to school!
Now for baby bear, just turned 3, and I do remember the day I gave birth to him and the beautiful sunset we had on that day May 2, 2006. He is a joy, and keeps everyone on their toes. Today, as I lied down with him at nap time, (which he did not fall asleep, and dad is now napping with him) I looked at his pretty blue eyes, and remembered the days when he was an infant, toddler, and now turning into a preschooler. I know, that these times with him will pass by very quickly, as I have experience with the older boys. I know he will grow up fast, I know this, because the time has gone by quickly with his other brothers.
So to all you mother's out there with babies, toddlers, and little children, the years go by so fast. Then the children turn into teens, with their own ideas, and they think they are smarter then you, so savor your moments, as time flies, when you are a mom and having some fun.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's, the ones that wish you were a mom, enjoy your day being a MOM!
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