We began 2008 a major overhaul of our home. We live on 2.5 acres of land in Oklahoma, and love the area we live in just not our home. So we took the plunge with the guidance of my Uncle, and we are now living in a wonderfully updated 1978 home! Sounds all easy, right. Get a contractor, decide what you like and knock down some walls. Well here are some of the funny stories on what happened along the way.
First of all, you maybe thinking, did you move out of the house, take an extend vacation in to our home in Flordia? (Great idea if we had one!) Oh, no we got a pod, packed up all the stuff from the downstairs living space, which was 1200 square feet or so, and put all that great stuff in the P.O.D. (They are not as big as they look either!) Then moved our 2 oldests sons in the same room, kept the 18 month old in his own room, and my hubby and I moved in to our middle sons room. In that room we set up our desktop computer, and our small 19 inch T.V. (had no cable, used an antenna). Are you getting a nice visual, yet? Then in the hallway, we lined up some shelves, that is where I kept some food, and set up a microwave. (oh, that was later, the first month, I went to the garage to microwave food.) Moved the microwave upstairs, after I figured that I looked a little ridiclulous mixing my macaroni and cheese in the bowl, that I had set on the lid of the trash can! So, this is how we lived for 6 months, oh, did I mention my youngest son was 18 months when we started this!
Another funny thing that happened was whne the dumpster spilled over in the front yard, along with a tractor trailer rig, which smooshed my stroller that was left beside the dumpster! Oh, no big deal right, well it is when the dumpster is about 36 feet long!
Now there is much more to go along with this remodel, but cannot type anymore right now, but will share with you other funny stories in a later post, on how to survive a remodel!
One picture is of the dumpster, after it tipped over, the other is what the tractor trailer rig looked like in my yard!
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