Memories, of spring, summer and fall. Trips to the zoo. You know OKC has a great Zoo. They added a new exhibit called the Oklahoma Trails last year, and it is one of my favorites. There is a display of Turkeys, no big deal since we chase turkeys in my neighborhood, ok stop laughing, this is for real. No, I do not live in a tee pee, either.
Oh, more animals to tell ya about, there are deer, oh we see those too on our drive to school some mornings! Really... and then we see bats, none of those in my yard.
Oh, how I wish it were spring or atleast a halfway warm day here in OK. Our weather does change fast, so maybe just maybe we will get to go to the zoo again soon.
I love the OKC zoo it is one of the best. We need to plan a Sat trip when I am not working and go!
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